![]() 蒋佐权 苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院 教授博士生导师 ZuoquanJiang is an associate professor at Soochow University. He obtained his Ph.D degreefrom Wuhan University in 2009 followed by working as a postdoctoral fellow atUniversity of Washington and Hong Kong City University. Then, he joined Instituteof Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM) of Soochow University in 2011and took collaborative study in Georgia Tech as a visiting scholar in 2015. Hiscurrent research interests focus on the design and synthesis of conjugatedmolecules & polymers and their applications in optoelectronics. 学术经历: 2004年 本科毕业于武汉大学化学基地班; 2009年 博士毕业于武汉大学有机化学专业曾荣获武汉大学优秀毕业生和湖北省优秀博士论文称号博士毕业后先后在华盛顿大学与香港城市大学从事博士后研究; 2011年加入苏州大学纳米科学技术学院。 2015年于佐治亚理工学院从事访问学者研究工作 研究兴趣为光电功能材料的设计与合成以及新型共轭分子体系的构建。 研究方向:主要从事有机光电材料的设计与合成,目前在新型螺环材料的构建,并环类刚性共轭材料的设计有着独特的工作,并将这些新颖结构应用于OLED材料,OPV材料以及钙钛矿材料中,已取得一系列研究成果,在Adv. Mater., Adv.Funct. Mater., Chem. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Org. Lett. 等重要期刊上发表SCI论文190余篇,H-index为49。
代表性论文: 1. Cui, L.-S.; Xie, Y.-M.; Wang, Y.-K.; Zhong,C.; Deng, Y.-L.; Liu, X.-Y.; Jiang, Z.-Q.; Liao, L.-S., Pure Hydrocarbon Hostsfor ≈100% ExcitonHarvesting in Both Phosphorescent and Fluorescent Light-Emitting Devices.Advanced Materials 2015, 27 (28), 4213-4217. 2. Jiang, Z.; Liu, Z.; Yang, C.; Zhong, C.;Qin, J.; Yu, G.; Liu, Y., Multifunctional Fluorene-Based Oligomers with NovelSpiro-Annulated Triarylamine: Efficient, Stable Deep-Blue Electroluminescence,Good Hole Injection, and Transporting Materials with Very High Tg. AdvancedFunctional Materials 2009, 19 (24), 3987-3995. 3. Ding, L.; Dong, S.-C.; Jiang, Z.-Q.; Chen,H.; Liao, L.-S., Orthogonal Molecular Structure for Better Host Material inBlue Phosphorescence and Larger OLED White Lighting Panel. Advanced FunctionalMaterials 2015, 25 (4), 645-650. 4. Wang, Y.-K.; Yuan, Z.-C.; Shi, G.-Z.; Li,Y.-X.; Li, Q.; Hui, F.; Sun, B.-Q.; Jiang, Z.-Q.; Liao, L.-S., Dopant-FreeSpiro-Triphenylamine/Fluorene as Hole-Transporting Material for PerovskiteSolar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency and Stability. Advanced FunctionalMaterials 2016, 26 (9), 1375-1381. 5. Li, Q.; Cui, L.-S.; Zhong, C.; Jiang, Z.-Q.;Liao, L.-S., Asymmetric Design of Bipolar Host Materials with Novel1,2,4-Oxadiazole Unit in Blue Phosphorescent Device. Organic Letters 2014, 16(6), 1622-1625. 6. Zhang, Y.-X.; Zhang, L.; Cui, L.-S.; Gao,C.-H.; Chen, H.; Li, Q.; Jiang, Z.-Q.; Liao, L.-S., Control of ConjugationDegree via Position Engineering to Highly Efficient Phosphorescent HostMaterials. Organic Letters 2014, 16 (14), 3748-3751. 7. Jiang, Z.; Chen, Y.; Yang, C.; Cao, Y.; Tao,Y.; Qin, J.; Ma, D., A Fully Diarylmethylene-Bridged Triphenylamine Derivativeas Novel Host for Highly Efficient Green Phosphorescent OLEDs. Organic Letters2009, 11 (7), 1503-1506. 8. Jiang, Z.; Yao, H.; Liu, Z.; Yang, C.;Zhong, C.; Qin, J.; Yu, G.; Liu, Y., Bent Ladder-Type Hexaphenylene withCarbazole Core and Spiro Linkage as Stable and Efficient Blue Emitter. OrganicLetters 2009, 11 (18), 4132-4135. 9. Jiang, Z.; Yao, H.; Zhang, Z.; Yang, C.;Liu, Z.; Tao, Y.; Qin, J.; Ma, D., Novel Oligo-9,9′-spirobifluorenes throughortho-Linkage as Full Hydrocarbon Host for Highly Efficient PhosphorescentOLEDs. Organic Letters 2009, 11 (12), 2607-2610. 10. Li, Y.; Zhong, L.; Wu, F.-P.; Yuan, Y.; Bin,H.-J.; Jiang, Z.-Q.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Z.-G.; Li, Y.; Liao, L.-S.,Non-fullerene polymer solar cells based on a selenophene-containing fused-ringacceptor with photovoltaic performance of 8.6%. Energy & EnvironmentalScience 2016, ASAP.
电话:0512-65880093 邮箱:zqjiang@suda.edu.cn |